Sunday, February 27, 2011

Largemouth Bass

Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides)


22 pounds 4 ounces in Georgia USA.

Common Names - black bass, Florida bass, Florida Southern Largemouth, Green Bass, Bigmouth, Bucketmouth, Linesides, Oswego Bass and Green Trout.

Description - The largemouth is the largest member of the sunfish family. It generally has light greenish to brownish sides with a dark lateral line which tends to break into blotches towards the tail. Often confused with smallmouth and spotted bass, it is easily distinguishable because the upper jaw extends beyond the rear edge of the eye. Also, its first and second dorsal fins are almost separated by an obvious deep dip, and there are no scales on the soft-rayed second dorsal fin or on the anal fin.

Subspecies - Two are recognized: the northern largemouth (M. s. salmoides) and the Florida largemouth (M. s. floridanus). The two look much the same, but the Florida largemouth has 69-73 scales along the lateral line compared to the northern largemouth's 59-65 scales. Florida bass grow to trophy size more readily than northern largemouth in warm waters.

Range - Originally, the largemouth was found only in peninsular Florida, but they have been stocked in several other states including Texas and California. Pure northern largemouth bass are not found in Florida. Genetic intergrades between the subspecies, however, occur throughout north Florida.

Habitat - Prefers clear, nonflowing waters with aquatic vegetation where food and cover are available. They occupy brackish to freshwater habitats, including upper estuaries, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and ponds. Also, they can tolerate a wide range of water clarities and bottom types, prefer water temperatures from 65 to 85 degrees, and are usually found at depths less than 20 feet.

Spawning Habits -
   Spawning occurs from December through May, but usually begins in February and March in most of South when water temperatures reach 58 to 65 degrees and continues as temperatures rise into the 70s. The male builds saucer-shaped nests 20 to 30 inches in diameter by placing its lower jaw near the bottom and rotating around this central location. Bass prefer to build nests in hard-bottom areas along shallow shorelines or in protected areas such as canals and coves.
   Depending on her size, the female can lay up to 100,000 eggs, which are fertilized as they settle into the nest. After spawning is completed, usually five to 10 days, the male guards the nest and eggs and later the young (sometimes called fry) attacking anything that approaches the nest. The female bass stays near the nest or may swim a short distance and remain listless for up to a day. After hatching, the fry swim in tight schools, disbanding when the small fish reach a length of about one inch.
Distinguishing between male and female bass based on external characteristics is very difficult, except with mature fishes during spawning season.  At that time, a milky substance (milt) can be extruded from the vent of males and a few greenish colored eggs may appear at the vent of  females.  Females, however, grow significantly larger than males.  Virtually all bass over eight pounds are female.

Feeding Habits - The diet of bass changes with its size. Young fish feed on microscopic animals (zooplankton) and small crustaceans such as grass shrimp and crayfish. Fingerling bass feed on insects, crayfish, and small fishes. Adult bass will eat whatever is available, including fish, crayfish, crabs, frogs, salamanders, snakes, mice, turtles and even birds.

Age and Growth - Growth rates are highly variable with differences attributed mainly to their food supply and length of growing season. Female bass live longer than males and are much more likely to reach trophy size. By age two or three, females grow much faster than male bass. Males seldom exceed 16 inches, while females frequently surpass 22 inches.
At five years of age females may be twice the weight of males. One-year old bass average about seven inches in length and grow to an adult size of 10 inches in about 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years. The oldest bass from Florida whose age has been determined by fisheries biologists was 16 year of age.
Generally, trophy bass (10 pounds and larger) are about 10 years old. The formula used by Florida scientists to estimate weight based on length and girth is: log(weight, in grams) = -4.83 + 1.923 x log(total length, in mm) + 1.157 x log(girth, in mm).

Sporting Qualities - The largemouth bass is Florida's most popular freshwater game fish. Much of its popularity is due to its aggressive attitude and willingness to strike a lure or bait with explosive force. They will strike almost any kind of artificial lure or live bait, but most are taken on plastic worms, surface plugs, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, bass bugs and shiner minnows.
The value of the largemouth as a sport fish has prompted a movement toward catch-and-release fishing. As a sport fish, specific bag and size limit regulations apply, and you can register a qualifying catch as part of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's "Big Catch" program.   Black bass are the most popular sportfish in north America and their value to Florida is immense

Eating Quality - The meat is white, flaky and low in oil content. The flavor depends upon the way the fish are cleaned and prepared. The strong weedy taste of bass caught in some waters may be eliminated by skinning the fish and salting and peppering the fillets before battering. Fillets usually are fried, while larger ones may be baked.

World Record - 22 pounds, 4 ounces, caught in Montgomery Lake, Georgia in 1932.

Certified State Record - 17 pounds, 4-1/4 ounces, caught in an unnamed lake in Polk County in 1986. (Please check link for updates)

Uncertified State Record - 20 pounds, 2 ounces, caught in Big Fish Lake (private pond) in Pasco County in 1923.


   Largemouth Bass can be caught by many different methods including trolling artificial lures or casting live bait, but certainly the most popular way to fool these  fish is by casting artificial lures. The angler who is consistently successful will try a variety of lures and Fishing Rods until the right lure in the right color on the right Fishing Reel for the given weather and water conditions is found.   The angler should concentrate his or her efforts in prospective weedy or woody areas of the lake or river that they are fishing.  Early in the morning start by using fast moving top-water Fishing Tackle Lures for actively feeding and more aggressive bass.  If the fish are not hitting the surface lures, the angler might change to spinner bait.  This lure is highly effective as it can be retrieved at a variety of depths and speeds, and it can be tossed into fairly heavy cover without tangling on wood or weeds.  If the spinner baits fail to produce, the angler should try to get closer to the fish by tossing plastic worms or flipping jigs directly into the heavy cover.  When fish are hesitant to strike fast moving lures, a jig or worm should be retrieved very slowly and twitched to give the fish a better chance at hitting the bait.  Using live bait to fish for Largemouth is popular in so me areas like Florida where immense trophies are often taken in heavy underwater cover by using a big float with an 8 to 12 inch baitfish hooked below.  In Canada, live worms, crayfish and 3 to 4 inch minnows are very effective choices.


    No other game fish in the world has had a larger variety of lures designed specifically for it than Bass.  Top water lures like the Hula Popper and the Jitterbug have been popular for decades.  Now, newer lures like the spinner baits, inline spinners, chatter baits and buzz baits are available in many colors and blade sizes and are very effective  for more aggressively feeding fish.  Weed less spoons are especially effective in heavier vegetation.  Plastic worms are still one of the most popular lures because of their versatility.  They can be used in a variety of ways from weed less to wacky, and they really do catch big-fish.  With an unlimited number of colors from bubble gum to motor oil, as well as the old stand by colors like black, purple and green, the simple plastic worm catches more bass every year than any other lure on the market.  
     Fishing Rods and Fishing Reels for catching bass are also quite varied but most are heavier duty so that the fisherman can pull bass from the very dense weed cover in which they usually hide.  A medium Spinning Rod works well for casting unweighted worms and other lighter lures that need to be tossed greater distances.  You will need a decent weed less jig and a flipping stick or similar rod to pull big bass out of heavy weeds.  The line needed for bass is also heavy duty for the same reason and should be braid.  Casting worms into relatively open water requires braid in the 10 to 20 lb range but if you are going into heavy weeds or other cover we would go with 30 to 50 lb braided line.  Just remember that braided line has a much smaller diameter than monofilament line of the same strength.  20 lb braid is the same diameter as 4 to 6 lb mono.  Use a fluorocarbon leader if the water is particularly clear as it will make your line invisible.


1. Largemouth bass will often hit surface lures any time of the day so don’t be afraid to try them especially in the morning.

2. A weed less spoon like the Heddon Moss Boss (an old favorite) Johnson’s Silver  Minnow or a Rapala Minnow spoon worked across the lily pads, floating slop and stumps may entice a strike from fish.

3. We really like the use of a rat, snake or other weed free lure over the really heavy slop.   Work it slowly over the top of the slop let it sit and then twitch it.

4. Remember when they hit it that you must wait until you feel the weight of the fish on your line before you try and set your hook or you will pull it out of their mouth.

5. Have a second rod ready with a heavy jig head and a large plastic so that if you have a strike attempt on the surface lure you can send the plastic into the same hole in the slop.  As often as not you will get a strike on the back up rod and will bring in the fish that you just missed.

6. If you locate a really awesome looking piece of cover like a downed tree, make sure you cast to it a number of times with different lures and presentations.    Slowly work your weed less lure all around the cover because sometimes big fish take a while to strike.  Start by sitting as far away from the tree as you can while still casting accurately.  First, cast along side the areas of the tree that stick out into the water the furthest, then work your way in to the other parts of the tree.   Start with a spinner bait or similar lure to run along the outside of the downed tree, then move to other lures like weed less jigs and worms or other plastics as you cast closer to the inside of the tree.

7. If the fish just aren’t biting for you, slow down your presentation.  This tactic is overlooked by most fishermen.  Generally speaking, the fish haven’t moved, they are simply inactive and not feeding aggressively.  A slow moving plastic tipped jig or worm slowly moved over a log or through the weeds can be too much to resist, even to an inactive fish.  Presentation is the key to any fishermen’s success, so when your bait hits bottom, pause it, then twitch the bait by shaking your rod tip, and then pause it again.  Continue this throughout your retrieve.

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